음력 3 월 초사흘 봄, 버드나무에는 이미 푸른 잎이 돋아나 있었고 길 위엔
꽃들이 피어있었습니다. 서호근처에는 여행객들이 가득해 북적거렸습니다.
8명의 신선 중 여동빈은 심심해서 몸을 흔들더니 백발 노인으로 변신하여 지게를 메고 서호에 와서 탕위안을 팔았습니다. "달고 맛좋은 탕위안이예요, 어서 와서 먹어봐요!" 여동빈은 목청 높여 큰 소리로 외쳤습니다. 여행객 들은 그 소리를 듣고 둘러모였어요.
그때, 사람들 속에는 50 대 노인이 어린아이를 안고 있었는데 아이가 탕위 안이 먹고 싶다고 하자 노인은 탕위안을 사서 아이에게 주웠어요. 아이는 한 시도 기다리지 않고 탕위안을 삼켰습니다.
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@jaaronfarr: These Chinese-Japanese-English eBooks are exactly what weve been looking for! The stories are classic. The art is superb. But best of all are the language features. Very much hoping many more of these multi-lingual books become available.
@alitek: its a classics story for the children,20 years ago i enjoy this story very much,now my daughter enjoy it too.
@lilali1: very nice artwork and very good voice,my kid was very willing to reading this,thanks!
Rye Studio’s main focus is on developing teaching methods for children, mainly through audio Books and interesting games. We’ve selected the most widely known fairy tales and stories from all over the world, and presented them with lovely pictures and music, to enable children to develop the habit of reading wherever they are. Apart from that, based on the children’s age and learning level, we’ve also created some entertaining games, for them to play and learn from at the same time. We also plan to keep improving our teaching materials, in order to provide the best products for our customers.
★ Available in English,Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Japanese.
★ Universal Apps,also with high-resolution illustrations to support iPhone 4
★ Buy once, and run on all your device!
Easy to use, especially for toddlers
★ Stories are illustrated with interesting pictures with brightly colored cartoon figures to help children develop an interest in reading.
★ Professional audio narration in English,Chinese,Japanese.
★ Sleeping Mode:Best bed-time stories also with soft background music